Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Debby & Ruben:

Inside the course three we had the two teachers from Netherlands who were Ruben and Debby, these guys were here for six weeks teaching us a short film animation and we did the work into groups, we were three in our group and we did an animation about turtle and the full moon party in the prison island of zanzibar. Another groups made animations about crazy frog, super baby, the boy and dog and the last one was cat and mouse. All these animation movies were very interested and they got the chance to be shown in ziff.


Not only films but also we had south american lady, she was teaching us a photograpy on how to take a picture, to use camera in a different settings such as snow and others. catherine also was having another lesson which was called presentation skills, this explain more on how to present in the public or even to present your works and expressing your self. This lady took a month to finish her lessons.