Thursday, November 19, 2009

course four(media lab):

Course four:
This is the last course which called media lab, this course is harder than the last three courses that we have been leaning for whole year, within this course we did many projects and leaning new different topics such as css, an intro to java script and repairing for the last project that we did before, starting to think for our own company as to have our own business card, poster and our own website.

Spice farms, kizimbani.
This is the last safari that we went with my zanzibits team within course four, the aim of this safari was to gain some experience of using different kind of spice as a medicine and even to use it in a different kind of foods, but our aim wasn't end there instead we started to find the guider who would guide us to have our lunch after a long roving in the farms. Without forget the fruits from the farms which were very possible for us to have it.

Continuing of the class:

The safari of course four is still going on and I have thinking to establish the tour company dealing with all sea travel and walking tour through the village includes snorkeling, sunset cruise and go to the spice farms, here are my works that I have done within my company.